© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Marten Raaphorst
Currently I am doing a PhD where I use computers to study the chemistry in outer space. I love working in science but also to explain science to non-scientists. Because of this and my love for beer I got involved with Pint of Science. Come to the event and let’s talk about science over a beer!
Inês Justo
Originally from Portugal, I moved to the Netherlands to work as a X-ray Crystallographer in Early Drug Discovery. I believe being able to clearly communicate one’s research to different parties, including non-scientific audiences, is a key skill for any scientist. If a beer or 2 are present, well, t…
Lianne van Beek
I work as a scientific project leader in drug discovery. Clear communication is key to have everyone informed and engaged. I believe that science should be accessible to everyone and as communications team member I love to contribute to make that happen